Saturday, January 23, 2010

LaGuSh SyOk DoWh!!

Kristinia DeBarge - Future Love Lyrics

a couple of years.
and I’m gonna know your name.
it’s like I waited for you forever.
and I know this might sound insane.
but it won’t be long
til’ we’re gonna take this up.
what I’m talking about our future love.

it’s so far away.
and baby you’re right next door.
got me picturing your face again.
something worth waiting for.
i put all others behind me.
they don’t live up.
i know what I want what I need to the T.

baby if they ask me.
i would say I don’t even know your name.
and when they ask me:
does it change?
no it don’t change a thing.
’cause it’s something about the way you love me.
and it’s something about the way you know me.
that I can’t explain enough.

just something about our future love future love future love.
something about a future love future love future love.

walking hand in hand.
going on the second date.
i can picture how we’re touching
and the kiss I can almost taste.
i imagine the all the ways.
we meet for the very first time.
i can see the place feel the love at first sight.

baby if they ask me.
i would say I don’t even know your name.
and when they ask me:
does it change?
no it don’t change a thing.
’cause it’s something about the way you love me.
and it’s something about the way you know me.
that I can’t explain enough.

just something about our future love future love future love.
something about a future love future love future love.

i know the minute you pull up next to me.
we standing there like destiny.
when it feels like you’re fighting just to breathe that’s when you know.

the minute I pull up next to you.
suddenly you don’t know what to do
everything inside you says that I’m the one.

baby if they ask me.
i would say I don’t even know your name.
and when they ask me:
does it change?
no it don’t change a thing.
’cause it’s something about the way you love me.
and it’s something about the way you know me.
that I can’t explain enough.[2x]

just something about our future love future love future love.
something about a future love future love future love.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Meaning of F.R.I.E.N.D.S.H.I.P

F” is for Fun…………That friends share when they are together.

R” is for Reliability….A true friend is someone that you can always
rely on.

I” is for Interest…….Someone who is genuinely interested in you,
your fears, joys, and life.

E” is for Energy………They pick you up when you are down, and give
you the energy to go on and believe in yourself.

N” is for Nothing……..Nothing is ever too much, no matter what time
it is, night or day.

D” is for Distance…….Although the miles may separate you, a true
friend is never far away.

S” is for Secrets……..Your feelings and personal/private thoughts
that you can only share with a friend.

H” is for Happiness……The way I feel when we are together.

I” is for Inseparable….Through good times and bad, tears and
laughter. A friend will always be there for you.

P” is for Perfect……..The friendship

CuTi-TimE tO gEt HeAl.

Dlm cuti dua minggu ni...ak hrap sngat2 yg ak boleh kuatka smangat ak...tuk mnempuhi hari2 yg mendatang yg mana mnjanjikan penangan yg lebih hbat lagi...
ingat lagi petikan yg ak baca dlm sbuah novel ni...'Allah takkan mnguji hmbanya dgn ujian mlainkan yg trtanggung oleh hambanya'
n kata2 ni la yg mnjadi pedoman dan juga kekuatan bagi ak untuk trus sabar dan tawakkal mnjalani ujian Allah..bak kate Freedy Montry "There must be something behind the hardship...What u need is just patients"
insyaallah semuanye akn kmbali kpada asal tak lama lagi n ak yakin yg Allah sbnarnye mnguji keimanan ak dan ak yakin satu hari nnti semua dugaan ni akan mmberikan nikmat pada ak...AMIN

Saturday, January 9, 2010


lambat nye nk habis marik....bnyak sngat dugaan ak kt matrik...
cptkan la mase...
hurmmmm....masalah ak dgn budak tu blm lagi slesai...its getting worsen ade la..
ak da tak tau nk buat ape da..skunk ak tawakal je la pada Allah..
ape yg baik bagi Dia baik la bg ak...n ape yg burk bg Die bruk la bg ak....
kuatkn lah smngat ak ya Allah...
smoga prsahabatan kami kkl..