Thursday, April 23, 2009

gUdByE bUdDy!!

Waaaaaaaa.... sedey seh brpisah dgn kawan baek!!Eventhough knl tak smpai stahun tapi tau2 la kan dah namenye dok asrama,mcm2 bende buat sesame..tido,makan,solat,ngumpat..mandi tu tok sah cite r dah confirm mandi sesame sbb bilik air kitorang share!!kaka
hurmmmm....let flashback cikit,forgot la bln bape tapi kalau tak silap early of december 2008..malam(lpas isyak) tears streamed down my face as I hugged him....He whispered gud -bye and got into the van to travel back home to Kelantan, which meant he would be leaving me and yar takkan jumpe lagi(stakat ni la)...mmmmm
But somehow aku tau kite kene be positive sbb kite ni manusia normal n we dont exactly know what are going to happen next..itu sume ALLAH punye keje..brdoa je la spaya masing2 brjaya di dunia dan di akhirat n insyaallah kalau umor panjannnnggggggggg jumpe la tu!!haha
Ok,meh cini nak kongsi sikit "program smpena pmmergian kawan aku"..malam sblum tu kite orang gathered sume kawan2 kamcing kitorang then naik atas bukit..

3 org yg gigit jari tu blagak CHARLIE'S ANGEL!kaka

Mcm2 bende la kiteorg buat atas bukit tu..mmg bising n bingit gile malm tu!Around 12.45 a.m if im not mistaken..Ade yang men bola,ade yang main hide n seek ade yang bsilat even ade yang main power ranger!!bdak2 sungguh!!!
hepi tak kemana nye luar je hepi dalam sape yang tau..Aku n kawan aku sorang lagi (tok sah sbut name la nnti kene santau!kaka) mnangis gile2 r sampai mate n hidung merah!!Uh malu r buat pngakuan brani mati nih!!Kire mlm tu kite lpaskan sume r sbb bsoknye da xnk nangis2 nih..

Baru je nk brgumbira cikit,tup2 MAK GUARD dtg! "Adik da pkul bape ni?Da lbh pkul 1.00 am da,mane blh ade kat atas ni" kitorang blah la..Tapi sbelum tu semua posing la last photosession brsame best friend la katekan...

haha..msg2 pose tak snonoh doe!!

Balik la bilik..Sambung dgn aktiviti mkn2...Suap menyuap la..Aku ingat lagi mlm,tu nasi ayam KFC n mcm2 junk foods..huh

over suda..yng nk pginye org len tapi yg dsuapnye org len!!wakaka

si Syihan nih,aku beli nasi aym susah2 mknnye nasi je..aym tak sntuh langsung..tak tau la bdk

psta junk foods KMPK!

So tu je la yang nak dkongsi nye..Tapi mlm tu mmg aku akn ingat sampai bile2 sbb tu la first time aku nangis dpn kawan2 aku!Sedey!!
Konklusinye, tak de sape pun yg nak bpisah dgn kawn baek die..tak kire la laki ke pompuan ke..same je..msg2 tak nak khilangan..sbb as Isabelle Norton said IN A FRIEND YOU FIND A SECOND SELF..Tapi in reality prkara ni mmg satu kpastian buat sume..rase khilangan..but dont worry time can heal the wound..and brpisah ni bkn nye brmaksud brpisah buat slme2 lame nye..insya allah one day akan jumpe lagi..

"Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain.It's not something you learn in school.But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything"


Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I hope you feel the sand,
hot on your toes on summer's day.

I hope you learn that sandals,

help to keep the pain away.

I hope you find a rainbow,

and realize it was worth the rain.
I hope that your thought your journey,
you'll learn to balance smiles with pain.


I hope that you will realize,

life isn't fair and isn't always on your side (as Miss Azua said).

I hope you know when hope is lost,

in me you can confide.

I hope that your glowing smile,

brings someone out of gloom.

I hope you taste your life,

with more than just a spoon.

I hope that when you're lost,

you are also one to find.

And I hope that your hand,

never grows too big for mine.

I hope you watch the stars shoot by,

upon a grassy hill.

I hope you know I love you,

always have and always will!
Laura O'Neill